Kids & Families


I specialize in authentic, creative, family photography that captures and embraces real life & real moments. I’m based in Montreal, Canada but shoot worldwide.

A young family stand for their photograph.

montreal family photographer

For me, photographing families is about capturing a moment in your family’s history, whether that be the birth of a newborn, a time when your kids are full of life and cheeky smiles or a significant event like a birthday or family vacation. I have photographed all kinds of families throughout Quebec and overseas and the shoots are always great fun.

I’m not a big fan of studio photography when it comes to photographing families. Kids can’t be themselves when they’re in an environment that doesn’t allow them to play, explore and relax and just be kids. I also avoid anything that I find cheesy, like putting your baby in a basket or forcing kids into a pose they would never be in on any other day.

I want to give you beautiful photographs that represent your family in a real way, with your children having fun and enjoying our time together. That’s why I don’t charge by the hour. Kids don’t always do as they’re told. I know, I have 3 of my own! So, in my family portrait sessions, I don’t limit the time. That allows the little ones to get used to me being around and not feel like they have to perform for the camera. Most sessions last one to two hours and that gives me time to capture a wide variety of great photos that will become treasured by your family for generations.


The session itself is $600 + tx (Canada) or £400 (UK) and includes all the edited hi-res photographs (typically around 50 finished photos per hour of shooting). I usually only shoot one session per day so you’ll have time to relax and enjoy the shoot.

Ready to book? Drop me an email or pick up the phone when you’re ready.


Wanna talk? Send me a message

family photography

Steve was everything we dreamt of and much more not to mention a pleasure to work with and now a good friend. We will always keep in touch with Steve and his family because he got us straight away.

Thanks for your message.

We will be in touch