Briony + Sam’s wedding at Woodthorpe Hall in Derbyshire is, I guarantee, unlike any wedding you’ve seen before.
From the moment they contacted me last year I knew this was going to be a wedding to remember. All the details sounded amazing and right up my street as a photographer so when they booked me to capture the day for them I began counting the days…
The wedding day started with the girls, and some of the boys, getting ready at Briony’s parents’ house in the Derbyshire countryside. A lovely old house full of character. Everyone was in good spirits and chipping in wherever they could. And then I was shown Briony’s dress!
So I’ve shot over 400 weddings now. I’ve seen plenty of stunning wedding dresses. I’ve seen red, green and purple wedding dresses. But Briony’s floral wedding dress was so unique and gorgeous, it had the total WOW factor.
Hallé St Peter’s Manchester Weddings
The ceremony itself took place in the centre of Manchester at Hallé St Peter’s, an impressive building dating back to 1858, and featured star appearances from the couple’s friends who contributed readings and music.
From there, everybody headed to Piccadilly Station in Manchester where they were welcomed aboard two reserved carriages on the train that would carry them to the reception venue, Woodthorpe Hall. Onboard they were entertained by folk musicians and handed drinks and canapés. So cool!
Woodthorpe Hall Tipi Wedding
After the train journey, I snuck off with Briony and Sam for some photos in the beautiful Peak District, not far from the venue. We took the old VW van with us and it all made for some amazing photos. Then we joined everyone at Woodthorpe Hall where there was a tipi erected and decorated with some of the coolest details I’ve seen at a wedding. the music continued as all the tables were named after some of the couple’s favourite bands. And some of my favourite bands too! Deftones, The National, Elbow, Radiohead, Bon Iver, Smashing Pumpkins, Nirvana…. these guys have good taste!
As a wedding venue, Woodthorpe Hall is pretty amazing. I’m told they limit the number of weddings they have there which definitely adds to its appeal. It’s a 17th-century country house set in 2.5 acres of gorgeous gardens, with views of the Peak District. The addition of the tipi only enhances the relaxed vibe that Briony & Sam were aiming for.
The party kicked off with a great covers band, friends of the couple again obviously, before a silent disco enabled everyone to party the night away without disturbing the local sheep 🙂
Actually, if I’m not mistaken, I think I was the first to suggest a silent disco when I first chatted with Briony & Sam about the wedding.
I absolutely loved this wedding for so many reasons, but mostly just cos the couple were so lovely and welcoming. It was a treat to have my pal Michelle Wilson along for this one too. She almost missed her train home though!
If you’re planning to get married at Hallé St Peter’s or you’re having a Woodthorpe Hall wedding, I’d love to hear from you so drop me a message via the Contact page.
6 Responses
Wow! You were right, Steve, what a unique wedding! That train journey looked fun! Great work!
Thanks a lot Lee. The train was a genius idea!
What a beautiful wedding! Love the shots up by Stanage edge, a real sense of place to the wedding. Great work!
Thanks Robin. Yeah, I could’ve shot around that area all day!
Hi, we are looking at woodthorpe hall as a wedding option and this wedding inspired us. If you are able at all to put us in contact with the couple for some advice, that would be amazing. Thank you!
More than happy to Lauren.